$55.00 AUD

Home organisation and ADHD Masterclass with Narelle King

Wednesday, 4 October 2023, 8pm (AEDT)
Watch LIVE or view the recording
40 min masterclass (plus extra time for questions)
If you’re living with ADHD, you’ll know just how difficult it can be to complete daily tasks. Cleaning, organising, deciding what to eat - these seemingly simple decisions can feel monumental!
It’s all too common for individuals living with ADHD to be labelled ‘lazy’ or ‘messy’ - in reality, ADHD’s impact on us is keeping us drowning in a sea of to-do lists, and struggling to keep up with our daily juggles. 
In this masterclass specifically tailored for ADHDers, we’ll decode why organising can be such a challenging task - and how my simple, custom-designed strategies can make a world of difference in how you organise your home, time, and life.

What you'll get:

  • The organisational struggles of ADHD: Dive deep into why our brains struggle with understanding organisation, including our challenges with short-term memory (out of sight = out of mind!), difficulties with decision-making, and working memory challenges

  • How room-by-room simplification can result in making management easier across your kitchen, laundry, and wardrobe

  • The power of enlisting help, and why ‘body doubling’ can drastically improve your organisation abilities!

  • How to fuel your tasks, including techniques to infuse energy and motivation into day-to-day activities (gamification and rituals, anyone?)

What you’ll walk away with 

- ADHD-friendly download with organisational strategies you can implement today to organise your home, time and life.

- Easy practical strategies

About your host, Narelle King

Hi! I’m Narelle, a professional organiser and yoga teacher with a Education background. I help individuals and families with additional needs or organisational challenges to implement simple organisational strategies so that they can create a clutter-free, functional and happy homes. 

As a mum formally identified as Autistic, ADHDer and through supporting other neurodivergent families and children like my own, I know first-hand the challenges of carrying the extra load. 

I can’t wait to work with you in this masterclass to empower you with ADHD-friendly organisational strategies that will free up your time, energy and capacity to chase the things you want to in your day - not just get overwhelmed by your to-do list and the laundry pile in front of you!