Ep 22 - Advocating for your child at school with Chrissie Davies

Season #1

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In this episode of the ADHD Families Podcast we chat with the incredible Chrissie Davies about advocating for your child at school.  Chrissie highlights so many gold nuggets of information in this podcast like what can we request from our child's school and how we can best communicate with our school.  Here are the key points and timestamps:

2.40m - What Chrissie does
5.00m - Chrissie's Family's story
7.00m - Educational advocacy - helping your child at school
8.00m - Why Chrissie labels ADHD as a disability
13.00m - Getting your child diagnosed early
14.00m - ADHD polarising teachers
17.00m - Teachers are human beings 
19.40m - Unconditional positive regard
20.15m - Shifting our expectations around school
21.20m - Communication and collaboration
25.00m - Other accommodations to request at school
30.00m - Exclusion at school - Gating 
32.30m - Tracking behaviour
34.30m - Give yourself processing time
39.26m - Stability and consistency
43.43m - About Chrissie's book, Love me Love my ADHD

About Chrissie:

Chrissie Davies has been putting the chill into children for 25 years. After a long and successful career in Specialist Education, Chrissie is now a sought-after speaker, author, child behaviour specialist and educational advocate. She also has an incredible passion for loving, raising and teaching ADHDers and is a loud and proud neurodivergent woman raising amazing kids who move through the world in their own unique way. Chrissie radiates vibrancy and positivity, and through her work inspires families and teachers everywhere to embrace the highs and lows, and most importantly provide kids with unconditional regard and relational safety - especially on their stormy days.

Website – www.chaostocalmconsultancy.com
Instagram - @chrissiechaostocalm
FB - @ChaostoCalmConsultancy



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