Ep 8 - PDA with Christina Keeble

Season #1

Christina Keeble is a Neurodivergent Consultant who delivers seminars to parents, carers & professionals. Christina supports families, schools and businesses around Australia and the world in practical, research backed, trauma informed strategy development and implementation, collaboration and training. She develops practical resources and programs to be implemented in schools, businesses and at home to support Autistic and ADHD individuals.

Here are the key timestamps:

2.10 Christina's story

7.20 How Christina coped

9.41 What is PDA?

11.59 PDA - behaviour profile

16.00 ODD v PDA

17.30 Connecting first

18.20 How we can support these beautiful kids

20.50 Behaviour being worse for the parent

21.40 Reducing demands

22.50 Unconditional positive regard

27.00 Where to find Christina

Website: https://christinakeeble.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christinakeebleconsulting

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christinakeebleconsulting/



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