It is time to bring back the family meeting!
We are a family, but it doesn't always feel that way. Sometimes it feels like we are all running our own race with the intensity of life. The family meeting brings us back together so we feel connected and know what is going on with each others lives.
The ADHD brain is often an anxious brain. They are worried about what is coming next. Their brain is often comforted by routine and consistency. Having a family meeting shows each family member what is coming up. It also has the added...
It blows my mind when the media lead with negative traits of ADHD and special needs in general. It is everywhere. You see, time and time again throughout history the big change makers, the big hitters, the big risk takers, the greats, the outside the box thinkers, have been people with ADHD. So why do we only seem to hear of the negatives? It is something that makes me cranky.
Well it could be because these are kids are challenging to parent, the negatives are in your face. Everyday on facebook groups there are parents at their wits end. They...
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